Making Change Happen – Aspirations, Choice, Empowerment

Solihull Action through Advocacy provides independent advocacy for people with learning disabilities, and other vulnerable groups, who are facing critical decisions about their lives.

We support people to make informed choices and either speak up on their behalf or support them to speak for themselves.logo

We are passionate about empowering people who are at risk of discrimination and disadvantage to secure their rights and make their voices heard.

Are you making an IMCA referral on behalf the NHS organisation or local authority responsible for making this decision. –  Click here

Are you making a DoLS referral on behalf the NHS organisation or local authority responsible for making this decision. – Click here

Are you making a referral for an advocate under the Care Act? – Click here

Are you a parent or relative or friend referring someone you know? – Click here

Are you referring yourself? – Click here

Do you need some help to understand which form you need – Contact us

To state that Statutory Referrals will be actioned within 3 working days and Community and all other



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