For information regarding the Warwickshire area such as : Leisure activities, services, waste, recycling, education, community, democracy and jobs. Please visit :
Read more →Panahghar provides free dedicated BME multi lingual support, advocacy and advice .Access to safe refuge for victims and their families of domestic abuse, gendered abuse or sexual abuse in Coventry and Leicester. The website provides a variety of information on how to get help and support. Website:
Read more →Community Support Grants provide support with financial assistance to help people settle or re-settle into the community. Eligibility criteria must be met and people may be asked to provide evidence with the application. Awards are made at the Council’s discretion as there is a limited amount of
Read more →A national charity aiming to support community groups and churches help people overcome their money problems. They provide resources such as training and support that aims to maintain free, local , face to face money advice. Fully trained Debt Advisers and Money Mentors offer advice that is
Read more →The Charity is run by and for people with lived experience of disability or health conditions. Providing advice, support and information on concerns and issues both through their website and advice lines. Campaigning for the rights of all disabled people to be included in every aspect of
Read more →A family run Private Ambulance Service – offers transfers to and from medical care and will tailor the service to your needs and requirements. There is a charge for this service, prices vary. For more information please visit: Website – Phone line – 01255 860453
Read more →Aim to help people get a better night’s sleep. Offering advice, support and education for all ages , workplaces and professionals. With expert knowledge, resources and accredited training. Providing support such as: Access to information and advice to deal with most sleep issues Helping people understand the
Read more →Is support developed by clinicians, for clinicians with the aim to help support patients towards better self-management of their long term pain. They offer a range of skills, tools , resources and knowledge to use in brief patient contact time. They are designed to help clinicians enable
Read more →Arts 4 Dementia is a UK charity, working with arts venues to: Provide training and develop arts programmes. Empower and inspire people with early-stage dementia and carers through artistic stimulation. Help preserve fulfilling active life together, for longer at home. For more information please visit : Website
Read more →The Age of Creativity provides leadership, advocacy, profiles and infrastructure development for over 1000 people who value the importance of creativity for older people. The aim is to support professionals working in health, culture, art, academia, social care, voluntary and community sectors. Believing in the beneficial nature of
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